[Fun_4_Amdavadi_Gujarati] CANCEROUS FOODS / PRODUCTS




            Dear instant noodle lovers,
            Make sure you break for at least 3 days after one session of
            instant noodles before you eat your next packet! Please read
            the info shared to me by a doctor. My family stopped eating
            instant noodles more than 5 years ago after hearing about the
            wax coating the noodles - the wax is not just in the Styrofoam
            containers but it coats the noodles. This is why the instant
            noodles do not stick to each other when cooking.

            If one were to examine the ordinary Chinese yellow noodles in
            the market, one will notice that, in their uncooked state the
            noodles are oily. This layer of oil prevents the noodles from
            sticking together.

            Wanton noodles in their uncooked state have been dusted with
            flour to prevent them sticking together. When the hawker cooks
            the noodles, notice he cooks them in hot water and then rinses
            them in cold water before cooking them in hot water again. This
            process is repeated several times before the noodles are ready
            to be served. The cooking and rinsing process prevents noodles
            from sticking together.

            The hawker then 'lowers the noodles in oil and sauce to prevent
            the noodles from sticking if they are to be served dry. Cooking
            instructions for spaghetti require oil or butter to be added in
            the water when boiling the spaghetti to prevent the pasta from
            sticking together. Otherwise, one gets a big clump of

            There was an SBC (now TCS) actor some years ago, who at a busy
            time of his career had no time to cook, resorted to eating
            instant noodles everyday. He got cancer later on. His doctor
            told him about the wax in instant noodles. The doctor told him
            that our body will need up to 2 days to clear the wax. There
            was also an SIA steward who after moving out from his mother's
            house into his own house, did not cook but ate instant noodles
            almost every meal . He had cancer, and has since died from it.

             Nowadays the instant noodles are referred as ' cancer noodles


            If you all eat Satay, don't ever forget to eat the cucumber,
            because eating Satay together with carbon after barbequing can
            cause cancer.
            But we have a cure for that... Cucumber should be eaten after
            we eat the Satay because Satay has carcinogen (a cancer causing
            element) but cucumber is anti-carcinogenic. So don't forget to
            eat the cucumber the next time you have Satay's.

            PRAWNS (SUGPO) & VIT C

            DO NOT eat shrimp / prawn if you have just taken VITAMIN C
            This will cause you to DIE in ARSENIC (As) toxication within

            PORK AWARENESS

            Try this and see whether the pork you bought has worms. There
            goes with your 'Bak Kut Teh' for those who love it. Most men
            love to eat this so watch out before it's too late. If you
            pours Coke (yes, the soda) on a slab of pork, wait a little
            while, you will SEE WORMS crawl out of it. A message from the
            Health Corporation of Singapore about the bad effects of pork
            consumption. Pig's bodies contain MANY TOXINS, WORM and LATENT

            Although some of these infestations are harboured in other
            animals, modern veterinarians say that pigs are far MORE
            PREDISPOSED to these illnesses than other animals. This c ould
            be because PIGS like to SCAVENGE and will eat ANY kind of food,
            INCLUDING dead insects, worms, rotting carcasses, excreta
            including their own, garbage, and other pigs. INFLUENZA (flu)
            is one of the MOST famous illnesses which pigs share with
            humans. This illness is harboured in the LUNGS of pigs during
            the summer months and tends to affect pigs and human in the
            cooler months.

            Sausage contains bits of pigs' lungs, so those who EAT pork
            sausage tend to SUFFER MORE during EPIDEMICS of INFLUENZA. Pig
            meat contains EXCESSIVE quantities of HISTAMINE and IMIDAZOLE
            compounds, which can lead to ITCHING and INFLAMMATION; GROWTH
            HORMONE which PROMOTES INFLAMMATION and growth; sulphur
            containing mesenchymal mucus which leads to SWELLING and
            deposits of MUCUS in tendons and cartilage, result ing in
            ATHRITIS, RHEUMATISM, etc.
            Sulphur helps cause FIRM human tendons and ligaments to be
            replaced by the pig's soft mesenchymal tissues, and
            degeneration of human cartilage.

            Eating pork can also lead to GALLSTONES and OBESITY, probably
            due to its HIGH CHOLESTEROL and SATURATED FAT content. The pig
            is the MAIN CARRIER of the TAENIE SOLIUM WORM, which is found
            in its flesh. These tapeworms are found in human intestines
            with greater frequency in nations where pigs are eaten. This
            type of tapeworm can pass through the intestines and affect
            many other organs, and is incurable once it reaches beyond a
            certain stage. One in six people in the US and Canada has
            RICHINOSIS from eating trichina worms, which are found in pork.

            Many people have NO SYMPTOMS to warm them of this, and when
            they do, they resemble symptoms of many other illnesses. These
            worms are NOT noticed during meat inspections.


            Cancer-causing substance in shampoos. Go home and check your
            shampoo. Change before it's too late... Check the ingredients
            listed on your shampoo bottle, and see they have a substance by
            the name of Sodium Laureth Sulfate, or simply SLS. This
            substance is found in most shampoos; manufacturers use it
            because it produces a lot of foam and it is cheap. BUT the fact
            is, SLS is used to scrub garage floors, and it is very
            strong!!! It is also proven that it can cause cancer in the
            long run, and this is no joke. Shampoos that contains SLS: Vo5,
            Palmolive, Paul Mitchell, L'Oreal, the new Hemp Shampoo from
            Body Shop etc. contain this substance.

            The first ingredient listed (which means it is the single most
            prevalent ingredient) in Clairol's Herbal Essences is Sodium
            Laureth Sulfate. Therefore, I called one company, and I told
            them their product contains a substance that will cause people
            to have cancer. They said, Yeah we knew about it but there is
            nothing we can do about it because we need that substance to
            produce foam. By the way Colgate toothpaste also contains the
            same substance to produce the 'bubbles'. They said they are
            going to send me some information.

            Research has shown that in the 1980s, the chance of getting
            cancer is 1 out of 8000 and now, in the 1990s, the chances of
            getting cancer is 1 out of 3, which is very serious. Therefore,
            I hope that you will take this seriously and pas s this on to
            all the people you know, and hopefully, we can stop 'giving'
            ourselves cancer-causing agents.


            KR Kumara Swamy
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Have a good day... 
 Glitter Graphics

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