Fwd: [Gujarati Club] Girl with Two Heads

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 Apparently when my Dad was dating my Mum he used to take her to visit graveyards!
I guess that's where I get my sense of fun and romantic nature from.
(When I was engaged to Helen I took her to see Bradford City. On reflection, maybe she would have preferred the graveyard)
My Dad it seems, liked to read what was written on the grave stones and although I don't share his passion, I too when visiting a cemetery, will stop and read what's been written on a headstone. In fact, it's prompted a conversation between Helen and myself as to what we would like to be written on ours.
I'm tempted to take a less traditional approach as to what is written and am inspired by the words on Spike Milligan's headstone:
"I told you I was ill"
If you reflect that over the years, hundreds of people may stop and read your headstone, what message would you want them to read? A question? A statement? Here's a few to ponder...
The best is yet to come
I'll be back
Left by mutual consent
Lived full, died empty
Why did I take that job? (Gordon Brown)
Don't take life for granted, I did
Celebrate life. Love much. Laugh often.
Was that it?
Having thought about what you would like written, why don't you discuss it with someone close to you.
Moving away from grave stones, I think the life we lead is the most important message we leave.
Alvin Law, a Canadian motivational speaker, said
"The mirror does not accurately reflect  who we are; our lives do"
Whatever the country, whatever the culture, people are basically the same. They have similar hopes, dreams and fears. Of course there are some differences - but if you dig beneath the surface you will find overwhelming similarities.
Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Be careful what you write       

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