--- On Thu, 10/30/08, Kirit Shah <kiritshah@yahoo.com> wrote: From: Kirit Shah <kiritshah@yahoo.com> Subject: Nice Pictures To: "Maitreya Pankaj Mehta" <akaar56@hotmail.com>, "Paresh and Yamini Shah" <anikshah@aol.com>, "Bipin and Nini Shah" <bipinnini@hotmail.com>, "Pankaj and Usha Mehta" <chipco@sancharnet.in>, "chirag j shah" <chiragshreya@rediffmail.com>, "Deepak and Meena Mehta" <deepakandmeena@hotmail.com>, "Chatur and Devindra Patel" <devindra_patel@hotmail.com>, "Dilip C Trivedi" <dilipchandulal@yahoo.co.in>, "Bharat Bhimani" <doctorbhimani@hotmail.com>, "Girish and Daksha Shah" <gshah41@gmail.com>, "Harshad and Damu Shah" <hardamu3646@yahoo.co.in>, "Harsukh Trivedi MS" <harisaru_37@yahoo.com>, "Harshad Gandhi" <hgandhi123@gmail.com>, "Harish H Shah" <hhshah1@yahoo.com>, "Himanshu C Shah" <hshah@ciena.com>, "Hemant Gajarawala" <infomax@consultant.com>, "Jayant Meghani" <jayantmeghani@gmail.com>, "Jayant Dave" <jayentdave@hotmail.com>, "Mamta and Jitendra Mistri" <mamatamistry@gmail.com>, "Manhar Tanna" <manhartanna@yahoo.com>, "Jatinbhai and Raksha Gajarawala" <mdgaj@aol.com>, "Mukesh Pandya" <mkpandya2000@yahoo.com>, "Meena Mehta" <mmehta@ldc.dds.ca.gov>, "Moulikta H Shah" <mouliktas@hotmail.com>, "Anil Nanavati" <nanavatianil@yahoo.com>, "Niranjan and Alka Shah" <niranjan.nirdip@gmail.com>, "Nirav Godiawala" <niravgodiawala@hotmail.com>, "Nishith N Shah" <nns0910@yahoo.com>, "Parmod Jolly" <parmodjolly@hotmail.com>, "Randhir Desai" <randhirdesai@yahoo.co.in>, "Rashmi Dave" <rashmi_dave55@hotmail.com>, "Jolly Rajesh" <RJolly2345@aol.com>, "Rajiv and Anita Bhatt" <snakeriveridaho@yahoo.com>, "Sujata and Himanshu Shah" <sujata1234@aol.com>, "Gautam and Rajul Valia" <valiaas@bom5.vsnl.net.in>, "Vinod Jolly" <valueappl_1234@yahoo.co.in> Date: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 4:58 AM
IT IS ALWAYS A PLEASURE TO VIEW PAINTINGS BY THOMAS KINKADE. THE FIRST ONE IS NEW ! Make sure you keep this open a minute or so and then go forward, so that you can see the rain in the paintings. The Rain - Thomas Kinkade
Stop at the picture for a second, and watch the Rain . . . then read on . . .
| Hope the water flows when you get the picture
This is a Thomas Kinkade painting. It is rumored to carry a miracle!
The water is supposed to be running, so if it's not moving then the picture didn't come through entirely.
They say if you pass this on, you will receive a miracle. I am passing this on because I thought it was really pretty, and besides, who couldn't use a miracle? Kirit Shah
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