[Fun_4_Amdavadi_Gujarati] pakistan is expod

NON-STATE Actors".
This new clone from the US diplomatic thesaurus
 has occupied the centrestage in the Indo-US dialogue
 on the jihad that maimed Mumbai on November 26-28.

Condoleezza Rice,
the American Secretary of State,
 managed to smuggle some anonymous
"non-state actors"
into the diplomatic theatre of US and India
when she came to Delhi on December 3.
By "non-state actors" she meant not just the 10 jihadis
who killed 200 and injured 300 in three days,
 all those who had conspired,
trained, equipped, financed,
transported and guided them into Mumbai
all the way from Karachi.

India has evidence,
says the media,
to prove that
the 10 jihadis
who were Pakistanis came from Karachi;
that through sat-phone,
they had kept their masters in Pakistan
informed of their movement and action;
 that the Pakistan navy and the ISI
were involved in training them and hundreds
more like them
who are still in reserve for future jihads on India.
Indian intelligence claims
 to have more evidence of the guilt of Pakistan as a state.
 The US intelligence,
reports the US media,
 has even better proof of
the ISI role in the jihad on Mumbai.

Yet for Condoleezza Rice
"non-state actors",
not the state of Pakistan,
was guilty of the jihad on India.

As Rice spoke of
"non-state actors",
on the same day in Islamabad,

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari
blamed some anonymous
'stateless actors'
- so, not Pakistanis - for the jihad on Mumbai.

 He said that,
as India itself says,
Pakistan was as much a victim of jihadis as India.
Which Indian said
Pakistan was a terror victim?

Believe it.
 It was the
Indian Prime Minister
who declared last year that
Pakistan too was a terror victim.

By this self-goal against India,
Manmohan Singh
 totally destroyed the credible case that
India had built over two decades that
Pakistan was a merchant of jihad and India,
 its principal victim.

In neither of his two speeches on Mumbai terror,
 did Manmohan Singh have the guts to say that
while the hands
 that hit India might have
 been non-state actors',
 the brain that directed
the jihad was the ISI's.

Even an adversary of India
would not have damaged the nation's interest like
 the Prime Minister himself has.

Pranab Mukherjee

would hold the ISI as the brain
behind the attack when he addressed
 the Lok Sabha on December 11.
Was this restraint part of the deal
with the US that
 India would not blame
 Pakistan as terror sponsor?


Back to Rice.
 When she landed in Delhi,
the Indian establishment was almost sure
- on what basis, Jesus knows -
 that the US would exert to tell Pakistan
to confess its guilt and surrender the 20 fugitive jihadis
hiding in Pakistan and what not.
see what happened.

It did not need a seer to say that
the mission of Rice was chiefly to console the grieving Indians,
 clam their anger and finally defuse
the rising tension between
the hurt India and the guilty Pakistan.
Her mission met with total success,
 thanks to a government that is impotent even
 in the choice of words.
She made
'the right noises'
and praised our media.
She declared that
 'Pakistan needed to mount a robust response',
'investigate the role of the nonstate actors in the terror'
against India,
 and assured Indians that
'Pakistan would co-operate with India'
in tracking down the jihadi conspiracy.
see what she did
 on the very next day,

 December 4, in Islamabad.

She said she was
 'satisfied with Pakistan's readiness to help India
 to probe the Mumbai terror attackers'.
And on this self-serving satisfaction,
 she even certified that the
 'Pakistani leadership
is focussed and committed to act'.

Act against whom?
The faceless 'non-state actors'?

 A day before she visited Islamabad,
chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral
 Mike Mullen
was in Pakistan's capital.

He had reportedly told the Pakistan government that
 the US itself had proof of the
 involvement of the ISI in the attack.

 Yet Rice talked about 'nonstate actors' as the culprits!
Why will the state of Pakistan act
 against the jihadis
when, despite its own ISI and Army
 being involved in jihad on Mumbai,
Rice exonerates them both?
Most experts on terrorism are stunned
at the sophisticated jihad on Mumbai
 and the original thinking and complicated planning
that had gone into it.
No one is left in doubt that
 the logistics for this kind of jihad
could only have been provided by Pakistan's state apparatus.
Pakistan is, as it has always been,
in lies and denials.

 It has even refused to accept the bodies of the killed jihadis,
as that may amount to part confession of guilt.

It had refused to take the bodies
 of the soldiers in the
Kargil war,

it would prove what it was denying,
 namely that it was the aggressor.

That Pakistan always lies,
including now,

 is not unknown to the US.
It suffers Pakistan's lies.

The US needs,
so forces, Pakistan to battle the al-Qaeda and Taliban
 on the western front.

Pakistan is keen to escape this forced obligation.
The US can't talk about it as that
would expose the super power's weakness.
if the US forced Pakistan on India's behalf on Mumbai jihad,
the Islamic ally of US might refuse
 to do the US bidding on the western front.

The US is keen that
Pakistan is not engaged on the east by India
as that will give Pakistan an acceptable alibi to escape
 its obligation to the US to fight the jihadis on the west.

The US cannot like it
nor afford it.

It is virtually held to ransom
by its Islamic military ally.
for the US, Pakistan fighting the Taliban
is more important than preventing Pakistan
from doing stealthy jihads on India.

This is the reality.
And India must face it.

The ban
on Jamat-ud-Dawah in the name of which
the banned LeT was functioning,
the house arrest of the LeT chief
declaring Hamid Gul and others as terrorists
 are just a theatrical show.

The truth
is not so well hidden
 if the history of Islamist terror is recapitulated.

The US encouraged Pakistan's ISI
and its Army to forge the 'Taliban' to defeat
 the Soviets in Afghanistan.

the Taliban is the joint product of
the US and Pakistan.
As the ISI and Pakistan's army Talibanised
the youth of Pakistan,
they too got Talibanised with jihadi mindset.

The al-Qaeda is the grandchild through the Taliban.
The Hindu legend of Bhasmasura says that
once such a force is created the creator
becomes its first victim.
the Taliban and the al-Qaeda tested
their skills on the US on 9/11.

The US knows that
jihadis constitute a half of Pakistan establishment.
 It does not mind if that half of Pakistan state
 targets India in the east,
 so long as the other half battles
 the Taliban-al-Qaeda in the west.

is sufficiently exposed
as a terror merchant.
 It is the
which needs to be exposed
 as trader in terror.


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