[Gujarati Club] Fw: Women would love this....

--- On Tue, 1/27/09, Kirit Shah <kiritshah@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Kirit Shah <kiritshah@yahoo.com>
Subject: Women would love this....
To: "Rajiv and Anita Bhatt" <snakeriveridaho@yahoo.com>, "Harin Bhayani" <harinbhayani@sbcglobal.net>, "Bharat Bhimani" <doctorbhimani@hotmail.com>, "Priya Bhuptani" <priyabhuptani@yahoo.com>, "Amit and Mita Choksi" <maxamit@gmail.com>, "Jayant Dave" <jayentdave@hotmail.com>, "Rashmi Dave" <rashmi_dave55@hotmail.com>, "Anil and Gita Desai" <anilxgita@yahoo.com>, "Dhiru and Rashmi Desai" <dhirundesai@hotmail.com>, "Randhir Desai" <randhirdesai@yahoo.co.in>, "'shirish desai'" <shirish@csl-plating.com>, "Hemant Gajarawala" <infomax@consultant.com>, "Jatinbhai and Raksha Gajarawala" <mdgaj@aol.com>, "Harshad Gandhi" <hgandhi123@gmail.com>, "Sonal Gandhi" <sonalparikhs@gmail.com>, "Nirav Godiawala" <niravgodiawala@hotmail.com>, "Sarvagna and Jayshri Godiawala" <sngodiawala@hotmail.com>, "Naishad Home" <naishadh@comcast.net>, "Kamlesh and Devyani Jhaveri" <jhaverika@yahoo.com>, "amita jhaveri" <amitajhaveri@gmail.com>, "Parmod Jolly" <parmodjolly@hotmail.com>, "Vinod Jolly" <valueappl_1234@yahoo.co.in>, "Chaula Joshi" <chaulaj@yahoo.com>, "Bankim & Zarina Kaji" <casakaji@msn.com>, "Kundi Kapadia" <kumudi@aol.com>, "Nimay Kusumgar" <nimku@hotmail.com>, "Mahendra Meghani" <mahendrameghani@yahoo.com>, "Bhupen Mehta" <bhupenmehta@yahoo.com>, "Jyotin and Neela Mehta" <neelajmehta@yahoo.com>, "Deepak and Meena Mehta" <deepakandmeena@hotmail.com>, "Meena Mehta" <mmehta@ldc.dds.ca.gov>, "Pankaj and Usha Mehta" <chipco@sancharnet.in>, "Maitreya Pankaj Mehta" <akaar56@hotmail.com>, "'yeshwant mehta'" <ilayesh@hotmail.com>, "Mamta and Jitendra Mistri" <mamatamistry@gmail.com>, "Radhe Moonka" <rmoonka@yahoo.com>, "Pankaj and Rupa Nanavati" <pankajrupa@comcast.net>, "Anil Nanavati" <nanavatianil@yahoo.com>, "Mukesh Pandya" <mkpandya2000@yahoo.com>, "Manu and Usha Patel" <mpatel739@comcast.net>, "Chatur and Devindra Patel" <devindra_patel@hotmail.com>, "Rajani and Asha Patel" <rajanipatel1@comcast.net>, "'Suman and Ansuya Patel'" <sumanhpatel@comcast.net>, "Jolly Rajesh" <RJolly2345@aol.com>, "Naishad Saraiya" <naishadh.saraiya@yahoo.com>, "Rashmi and Raksha Shah" <rgshah1942@yahoo.com>, "Ramesh and Sharmishta Shah" <srlnlc2@yahoo.com>, "Bharat Meera Shah" <meerabharat@yahoo.com>, "Dilip Gopa Shah" <dilipashah@yahoo.com>, "chirag j shah" <chiragshreya@rediffmail.com>, "Paresh and Yamini Shah" <anikshah@aol.com>, "Harish H Shah" <hhshah1@yahoo.com>, "Girish and Daksha Shah" <gshah41@gmail.com>, "Harshad and Damu Shah" <hardamu3646@yahoo.co.in>, "Himat and Malti Shah" <maltishah22@aol.com>, "Leena and Raju Shah" <linabenshah@yahoo.com>, "Niranjan and Alka Shah" <niranjan.nirdip@gmail.com>, "Nishith N Shah" <nns0910@yahoo.com>, "Bipin and Nini Shah" <bipinnini@hotmail.com>, "'dilip shah'" <dilip2002shah@yahoo.com>, "Manhar Tanna" <manhartanna@yahoo.com>, "Dilip C Trivedi" <dilipchandulal@yahoo.co.in>, "Harsukh Trivedi MS" <harisaru_37@yahoo.com>, "Gautam and Rajul Valia" <valiaas@bom5.vsnl.net.in>
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 6:49 PM

Good one!

 Kirit Shah

Giving Up Wine
I was walking down the street when I was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner.

I took out my wallet, got out ten dollars and asked,
'If I give you this money, will you buy wine with it instead of dinner?'

'No, I had to stop drinking years ago',
The homeless woman told me.

'Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?' I asked.

'No, I don't waste time shopping,' the homeless woman said.
'I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive.'

'Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?' I asked.

'Are you NUTS!' replied the homeless woman. I haven't
Had my hair done in 20 years!'

'Well, I said, 'I'm not going to give you the money.
Instead, I'm going to take you out for dinner with my husband and me tonight.'

The homeless Woman was shocked. 'Won't your husband be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting.'

I said, 'That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and wine.'   



I just know you're laughing!
You're gonna send it on - aren't you?






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