Re: [Gujarati Club] FW: solve it.........................

Guys wt wrong with you. see the person sent a puzzle game if you are interested then you can play if you are not interested dont play it but why you are sending a mail like this, see if you keep on sending this kinds of mail in future nobody will send mail like this in future i am a oldest member of this community and there are lots of mail i seen as a repeted mails but i am not complaining because i love this community and i love my gujarati friends so i request you to please stop the matter hear it self if you want you can open a file and write your mames and pass it to your friends if you dont want it s upto you what to do but stop this matters hear itself.


From: Deepak Bhatt <>
Sent: Saturday, 21 March, 2009 3:36:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Gujarati Club] FW: solve it.........................

you put the password as 1 then open the file and you will know if we are right or wrong. there is no need for me to put my name in the file.

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Nilesh Rajyaguru <rajnico@yahoo.> wrote:
If  you  think  is  right   than  open  file  and  put  ur  name   save  it  pass  it  to  other   if  ur   right   good  luck      very  few  people  did  this  in  30  second   hope  ur  one  of  them
--- On Sat, 21/3/09, Deepak Bhatt <bhattdeepak@> wrote:

From: Deepak Bhatt <bhattdeepak@>
Subject: Re: [Gujarati Club] FW: solve it.......... ......... ......
To: gujaraticlub@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Saturday, 21 March, 2009, 9:05 AM

there is no need to open the file and put my name in it.

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 1:10 AM, Nilesh Rajyaguru <rajnico@yahoo.> wrote:
So  tell   me  what  is  answer  did  u  open file  and  put  ur  name???

--- On Fri, 20/3/09, Deepak Bhatt <bhattdeepak@> wrote:

From: Deepak Bhatt <bhattdeepak@>
Subject: Re: [Gujarati Club] FW: solve it.......... ......... ......
To: gujaraticlub@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Friday, 20 March, 2009, 5:46 PM

dont put up silly questions the answer is obvious

2009/3/20 Nilesh Rajyaguru <rajnico@yahoo.>

If  u  can  send  answer  back  and  enter  ur  name  in  chart  .  good  luck.

Pure logic - 1 minute question ... (Harvard test)



1 = 5


2 = 25


3 = 325


4 = 4325


5 = ?




The answer is the password to open the file attached.


If solve the problem, write your name in the file and pass on it (Send back me also).




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