[Gujarati Club] Fw: Maxine sums it up very well!.

--- On Fri, 3/26/10, Mukesh Pandya <mpandya46@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Mukesh Pandya <mpandya46@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: Maxine sums it up very well!.
To: "mukesh pandya" <mkpandya2000@yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, March 26, 2010, 8:00 AM

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Kirit Shah <kiritshah@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wed, March 24, 2010 9:03:43 PM
Subject: Maxine sums it up very well!.

Very very true

 Kirit Shah



Subject: FW: Maxine sums it up.


Let  me get this straight. We're going to be gifted  with a health care plan  written by  a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand  it, passed  by a Congress that  hasn't read it but  exempts  themselves from it, to be  signed by  a president who also hasn't read it and who  smokes, with  funding  administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his  taxes, to be overseen by a  surgeon  general who is obese,  and  financed  by a country that's broke.  

What the hell could  possibly  go wrong?  









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