India does not seems to be that alert and attentive still, what they should be for this match. Poor playing against Pakistaan. - Extra Strong fielding of Pakistaan .
,.. it seems they will be fcukked up pretty dealy , it they keep continue playing like this,.......
due to strict Paki. fielding, who has also defeated Srilanka on their own land.
Idiotic Sehwaag has alreday thrown away his wicket for dirt cheap free, careleesly. ( This garbage has not played any better as expected )
Dimwit and selseless Gambheer has never learnt to be " Gambheer " yet and this trash-fakka has thrown his wicket in easy stump out.
So called Genius Sachin is also playing extreeeeeeeeeeeme poorly with 3+ lifeline and on the basis of luck only. What a Trash genius he is, as compared to expectation from him , as a best world batsman of today's time !! Alas !
What a poor performance !!
Sigh !!
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