__gurlzgroup__ My Sweet Wife__


My dream girl, My sweet wife


She moves through my dreams
as a star in the night
Her hair soft and long
Her eyes glowing bright

Her countenance sweet
She is patient and kind
And yet has a strength
That you don
't often find.



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This smile of hers
I have never seen
a mischievous child
with the grace of a queen

Her laughter rings
like a sweet love song
A voice that is soft
a heart that is strong


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Compassion and love
For all living things
Like moths to a flame
Her loving heart brings

And I'm drawn to her too
As though under her spell
sweet lips soft and full
In the air her sweet smell


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Her Kisses like morning dew
Lightly touching my face
Her warm gentle body
Make my sleeping heart race


I hold her so close in this dream
In the night
I don
't want to let go
As she holds me so tight


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But as morning dawn
Slowly peeks through my dreams
Time to start a new day
And the same old regimes

This soft tender beauty
I don
't want to leave
Just a dream, but it seems
Is so hard to conceive


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But wait...

What is this, something stirring
Soft hair tickles my face
I don
't think I'm still sleeping
Yet I feel her embrace

No longer dreaming
My dreams now subside
In my arms is my dream girl
My lover, my bride.

So here in my heart,
In my arms in my life
I have all I need
My dream girl, My sweet wife.



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