[Gujarati Club] Good Morning BY***aSh***

Who needs a blessing this morning? You and me....
If it stops with you, then the blessing will disappear. The blessing will only keep working if it is continuously passed around. If you are a recipient of a blessing, keep the blessing working by being the source of blessing to other people.aSh

Good Morning !!!!

This morning when I awakened
And saw the sun above,
I softly said, "Good morning, Lord
Bless everyone I love."

Right away I thought of you
And said a loving prayer,
That He would bless you specially,
And keep you free from care.

I thought of all the happiness
A day could hold in store,
I wished it all for you because
No one deserves it more.

I felt so warm and good inside,
My heart was all aglow.
I know God heard my prayers for you,
He hears them all, you know.

Who needs a blessing this morning? You and me....
If it stops with you, then the blessing will disappear. The blessing will only keep working if it is continuously passed around. If you are a recipient of a blessing, keep the blessing working by being the source of blessing to other people.aSh

Good Morning !!!!

This morning when I awakened
And saw the sun above,
I softly said, "Good morning, Lord
Bless everyone I love."

Right away I thought of you
And said a loving prayer,
That He would bless you specially,
And keep you free from care.

I thought of all the happiness
A day could hold in store,
I wished it all for you because
No one deserves it more.

I felt so warm and good inside,
My heart was all aglow.
I know God heard my prayers for you,
He hears them all, you know.


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