[Gujarati Club] For all Gujaratis of the world

Hello friends,

  You have been getting email messages about my blogs. You have been encouraging me in my child like creations.  No blogger would survive for long, without active support  from readers like you. I appreciate your deep respect for Gujarati language. 

   I thank you all for patient reading and comments. 

   But this mail is different.

   It is from Secretary of Gujarati Bhasha Parishad,who intend to start a movement to uplift Gujarati language and inspire common men, women and children to enrich and nurture it  -  in an endeavor to match our mother tongue with the brave and luminous emerging new face of Gujarat and Gujaratis in the 21st Century. 

  I humbly request you to solicit this cause and extend your full hearted support to this noble mission - in whatever form you can - money, effort and last , but not the least -  awareness about Garndeur of our dear mother tongue in your own family.  Kindly read the attached booklet too and forward this message with the booklet to your contacts. 


Dear friends,

        Please refer to the attach.

        It's the PDF file of 'Guj Bachav Zumbesh' 16 pg booklet, which is printed as a supplimentary to NayaMarg's Feb 01 issue. Also Guj Bhasha Parishad is sending 1,500 copies through post to generate awareness towards the issue. Already in the cyber circles of NRGs involved in Gujarati blogs and other email-campaigns; this booklet is creating ripples. The enlarged aim of adressing issues of Guj survival is working well for the cause.

        These 4 aims of the movement are..

        1. Education in mother tongue : Importance of English as the medium of education has gained grounds due to agressive process of globalization and commercialization. The opinion that a child's schooling has to be in her mother tongue, is accepted and propogated by experts worldover; but we have to work towards promoting this wisdom to common men.

        2. Simplification of language : The usage of Guj language is sinking due to unfathomable rules and exceptions of it's grammer, including ambiguity about 'Tatsam-Tadbhav'. Moreover the script is proving complex and unsuitable for the new-age technology. To bring about reforms in the spelling and other linguistic ease, we have to wake-up and sensitize Govt, authorities and institutes of influence towards this and create public opinion.

        3. Promotion of Gujarati literature : Reading is not a favoured activity of Gujaratis as such. This dis-association with Guj language makes them more indifferent towards literature. This disangagement with Guj literature results in break-up with Guj culture as well. So, we need to work towards promoting reading habits in Gujaratis and cultivating creation of more Guj literature.

        4. Freedom from craze for English : We can not deny the importance of English as the language of the world, for universal knowledge and vision. But we have to oppose the parental craze,  business mentality of school managements and privatising policies of Govt in pushing English as a medium of language from the 1st std on children.


        So, in interest of such noble aims I request you to support this movement by reading and forwarding this booklet, taking part in the rally and mentioning this movement-aims and importance in your writting whenever, wherever possible. 

        Thanking you.

        - Kiran Trivedi, secretary-Guj Bhasha Parishad

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