Number of zeros | U.S. & scientific community | Other countries | 3 | thousand | thousand | 6 | million | million | 9 | billion | 1000 million (1 milliard) | 12 | trillion | billion | 15 | quadrillion | 1000 billion | 18 | quintillion | trillion | 21 | sextillion | 1000 trillion | 24 | septillion | quadrillion | 27 | octillion | 1000 quadrillion | 30 | nonillion | quintillion | 33 | decillion | 1000 quintillion | 36 | undecillion | sextillion | 39 | duodecillion | 1000 sextillion | 42 | tredecillion | septillion | 45 | quattuordecillion | 1000 septillion | 48 | quindecillion | octillion | 51 | sexdecillion | 1000 octillion | 54 | septendecillion | nonillion | 57 | octodecillion | 1000 nonillion | 60 | novemdecillion | decillion | 63 | vigintillion | 1000 decillion | 66-120 | | undecillion - vigintillion | 303 | centillion | | 600 | | centillion | Addendum: There are other big numbers with names. A zillion has come to mean an arbitrary or unknown large number. A googol is 10^100. A googolplex is 10^googol (10^10^10^2) . This number is too large to write here without exponents. Skewes' number (gesundheit) is 10^10^10^34 was used as an upper bound in a mathematical proof. Recently 10^10^10^10^ 10^7 was used in a proof. The googolplex has given rise to the n-plex notation: n-plex is 10^n. n-minex is 10^-n. Donald Knuth invented arrow notation, where m^n (^ is an up arrow) is the regular m^n. m^^n is m^m^m^m...^m, with n up arrows. m^^^n is m^^m^^m...^^ m, with n ^^s. According to The Book of Numbers by J.H.Conway and R.K.Guy, chained arrow notation is the following enhancement: a^^^^^b is written as a>b>5, where > is a right arrow. | |
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