[Gujarati Club] ( 18+ Jokes here ) - 18+ ONLY


Q: How do you know that the girl wearing a skirt is not wearing panties?
A: By looking at dandruff on her feet

Q: What is the difference between a good secretary & an excellent one?
A: A good secretary says, "Good morning, sir." & an excellent secretary
says, "It's morning, sir."

Q: What is the similarity between Cassette & Girl?
A: You can use them on either side.

Q: What is the similarity between Girls and Aeroplane?
A: Both have Cockpits.

Q: What was the cause of the break up Between Prince Charles and Lady
A: Lady D discovers that not all rulers have 12 inches.

Q: Y did Price charles & Princess diana make their Honeymoom only for 6
days ?
A: Cause 7 days makes the whole week. ( HOLE WEAK).

Q: What is difference between Girl in Church and Girl in Bathroom?
A: A Girl in Church has soul full of hope and Girl in Bathroom has hole
full of soap.

Q: What is similarity between Tea and Girl?
A: Both are hot both having milk.

Q: What is the difference between Ship and Girl?
A: The ship cuts through water and the Girl waters through cut.

Q: What is the difference between Sky and Skirt?
A: Sky covers whole universe a Skirt covers the Universal hole.

Q: Why did Gandhi wear dhoti without Underwear?
A: Freedom of movement.

Q: What did Egyptian Boy say to Roman Girl?
A: Come behind the Pyramid and I will make you a Mummy.

Q: Why is a penis called a "Gentleman" in England?
A: It stands up whenever a lady passes by.

Q: Why is a penis called a "Thief" in Baghdad?
A: It enters through the back door.

Q: Why is a penis called a "Labourer" in India?
A: It works day and night.

Q: Who wrote "Chinese Torture"?
A: U Chew Mine.

Q: Who wrote "Russian Torture"?
A: Let-me-cut their-cock-off.

Q: Who wrote "Arabian Torture"?
A: Shake My-boob.

Q: Why girls rub their eyes when they getup in the morning?
A: They don't have balls to scratch.

Q: Why do dogs lick their balls?
A: Because they can.

Q: Why India has never had a female President?
A: What would you call her - Rashtra-patni?

Q: What did Rajiv Gandhi say, at last, when he saw? Dhanu coming
towards him?
A: What a BOMB.

Q: Why is sex so popular?
A: It is so centrally located.

Q: What did the bulb say to the switch?
A: U turn me On And Finally

Q: Define a Bra?
A: Under shoulder boulder holder.

Q. What is the difference between Biology and Sociology?
A: If the baby looks like the father, that is biology. If he looks
like the neighbor, that's sociology.

Q. Define Impotence?
A: Nature's way of saying "NO HARD FEELINGS"

Q. Why was the 2-piece bikini invented?
A: To separate the meat section from the dairy section.

Q. How much calcium is there in a woman's breasts.
A: Enough to make a bone 8 inches long.

Q. Why sperm donation is expensive than blood donation.
A: Because it is hand made.

Q. When a woman arouses a man and leaves, she is known as a?
A: Cock teaser.

Q. What is a male called when he does the same to a female?
A: Moisturizer

Q. Y do women with large brest have small waists?
A: Cause nothing grows under the shade.

Q. Y do hippos make love in water ?
A: Where else can u make such a large pussy wet.

Q. What didi gabbar singh ask him mom when he was born?
A: Ma ! kitne aadmi the ?

Q. What do u get when u put abomb in a girls bra ?
A: Tit bits.

Q. What do u get when u put a bomb in a guy's underwear ?
A: Banana split.

Q. What is the difference between a chicken and a baby ?
A: Chicken is the result of a sitting hen, while the baby is the result
of a standing cock.

Q. Why do women wear blank panties ?
A: Its a way for them to say "in memory of those who were buried here"

Q. What's the biggest tragedy in movie sholay ?
A: Well, first of all the thakur's wife dies & then to make matter
worse gabbar cut off thakur's hand.

Q: Who is a gynaecolgist ?
A: He is the only fool on the earth who looks for problems in a place,
where most people find pleasure.

Q: What are the three biggest tragedies in a mans life?
A: Life sucks, job sucks and the wife doesn't

Q: What did the elephant say to the naked man?
A: How do you breathe through that thing?.

Q . What's the difference between a chicken and a baby??????
A . A chicken is a result of SITTING HEN whereas a baby is a result of

Q. Why men don't make shhh..sound while pissing like women do?
A: Cos God had given them them six to eight inches long SILENCER!

Q : Why are women considered stronger then men?
A : Because women carry two mountains on their chest, while men carry
only two stones with the help of a crane!!!

Q: What is a kiss???
A: Kiss is an inquiry on first floor about vacancy in the groundfloor

Q: What did Stayfree tell to condom:
A: Boss, if u fail, both of us will be out of business for 10 months.

Q: What did 1 ant say 2 the other climbing the king's legs:
A: lets meet at the royal balls.

Q: What is the difference between Men's Cricket and Woman's Cricket?
A: In Men's Cricket, there is short leg between two long legs and In
Woman's cricket; there is a deep gully in two fine legs.

Q- Who is the world's best goalkeeper ?
A- A woman
Q- why ?
A- Because, whichever way you fuck her, the balls just won't go in.

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